What Biological Life Can Do

What Biological Life Can Do

The following article is to provide farmers and Agri-businessmen with a general knowledge of some of the common Biological life that should be active in most healthy soils. Our goal is to provide information to allow you to understand your soil better, and to encourage you to be a better “steward” of the soil. Our soil is priceless; therefore we should treat it with respect and be concerned of how we can improve it yearly.

A Balanced Soil energized with Microbial Life produces a massive root system.


The rhizosphere is the area close around the roots in the soil. This area is very vital to the growing plant. If a plant IS to be healthy and vigorous, then the rhizosphere must be active with a healthy Biological life. As a new seedling germinates it receives instant energy and nutrients from the “humus store-house”.

The humus “store-house” has been built by an active Biological life. Certain microbes have decomposed soil particles and organic residues to provide a Biological Active Carbon / Nutrient System. These nutrients are “magnetically attracted” to the new plant roots.

WOW!! Then as roots begin to develop, they begin to secrete a high enzyme concentrate combined with various organic acids. THE RESULTS — an ideal environment for certain biological life called RHIZOSHERE!! Isn’t it wonderful what nature can do, if only we work with it. When a healthy rhizosphere is developed the team goes to work-plant life with soil life.

The plants job is to continue to secrete a mucus rich in organic acids and enzymes, which causes a concentrated microbial community to develop for the new plant Symbiosis, Antibiosis, Cellular Lyses, Parasitism, etc. systems develop. What does all this mean?

SYMBIOTIC SOIL/LIFE – those who make nutrients and elements available to the plant only with the plants help. They cooperate together to get the job done.

EXAMPLE – Rhizobium (N-fixing), select blue green algae and some actinomycetes.

ANTIBIOTIC producing Micro-organisms which helps the plant to fight off diseases in both the soil and the air.


These warriors against disease, not only produce secretions that kill, or suppress harmful fungi, molds and pathogenic bacteria, but some bacillus provides the plant with needed enzymes and material to produce their own substance called PHYTOALEXIN (toxic to certain disease pathogens, fungus, and / or nematodes). GUESS WHAT??? It has been proven common fungicides kill Antibiotic Life easily, but very seldom fully kills the pathogenic fungus community. Fungicides normally create more problems than they cure!! Let nature have her way and build a health “soil life”!!

CELLULAR LYSES – these select bacteria produce an antibody, which can destroy disease-producing life by destruction of their cells by dissolution of the cell membrane. LYSOSTAPHIN AND LYSOZYME are two enzymes produced by a healthy rhizosphere to kill undesirable diseases.


Following are some specific families of bacteria and what their given job is, if all is in balance:

1. Azotobacter – select strain of aerobic bacteria, which produce nitrogen in the soil from the air!! REMEMBER – the air we breathe is 78% N, so the Azotobacter takes advantage of this freely given nutrient. Soil pH of 6.5 or above is required for best activity of N fixing bacteria. Well aerated soil is a must for best activity.

2. Bacillus – a family of aerobic bacteria which aids in decomposing green manures, animal manures, or other types of organic residues into humus (the storehouse of exchangeable nutrients) a high enzyme-sugar, food supply is needed to feed these families.

3. Clostridium – a family of anaerobic bacteria which decomposes organic matter into nitrate nitrogen and many other nutrients needed for optimum plant growth. Priceless amino acids, humic acids, and enzymes are produced by these bacteria which cannot be purchased from the NPK co-op. Clostridium is one of the main families that decompose roots that have grown down into the subsoil (anaerobic zone). Even crop residue, like corn stalk, that have been moldboard plowed to 8 to 10″ deep are decomposed by the clostridium bacteria. REMEMBER THIS: With high levels of magnesium, aluminum, iron and a low calcium level, it can allow a very toxic condition to develop that will STOP most (or all) clostridium activity. This toxic condition is a toxic alcohol complex, which stops all beneficial bacteria action.

4. Pseudomonas – Select types of these bacteria can be used in anaerobic soil conditions to help release nitrogen and phosphorus. The Phodopseudomonas can take air and sun light to make all nutrients of the air available to a plant (some blue-green algae have the same capabilities).

5. Select Cultures of bacteria in a controlled solution of nutrients, coenzymes, growth hormones, etc. can be used on most soil types for improved productivity. Research has devoted a great deal of time to the various ways Bio-catalyst products can be used for greater yield and quality response. One of the most exciting results of is that select cultures of bacteria can be combined with natural base products such as food grade high enzyme sugar products to greatly increase bacteria activity. Such combinations should contain all three growth regulant hormone families (in proper balance): Cytokinins auxins, and gibberellins, plus a high concentrate of amino acids (natural enzyme families). These Catalytic base products add a real advantage to farmers, who desire to restore abundant soil life and natural productivity. Many things can be said about these special combinations. They can be soil or foliar applied and have been found to be an effective yield stimulant as a result of the cell dividing properties of the cytokinins contained. Cytokinins are natural growth hormones, which can produce a “natural balancing condition within the soil and crop. They are stable natural and exchangeable to the biological energy, level of the soil and plant system. They are basically cell dividers (they stimulate cell division and enlargement). Their presence within unbalanced plants will many times bring it back toward a HEALTHY, NATURAL CONDITION. When adverse conditions have affected a plant such as excess cold, heat or lack of sunlight cytokinins will many times reverse the condition. Cytokinins can also increase germination and improve root growth of plants under stress. They mobilize plant nutrients and tend to draw elemental nutrients to the area where applied (on seed or leaves).

6. CYTOKININS also: Improve internal plant digestion systems utilizing nutrients 20 to 30% better. Increase photo synthesis and protein formations (increasing magnetic pull of leaf intake). Prevent early die-back of plant, which holds plants in semi-dormant state when under stress. They also help correct nutrient deficiencies. In short, they reverse conditions that many harsh fertilizers and chemicals have created!


One of the main contributing factors for these problems is depletion of Organic Matter, or a unhealthy environment associated with organic matter. Did you realize that a soil with a healthy organic matter level (2.0% & up) has the capability to fight off and destroy all harmful bacteria and fungi (with consideration to weather / climate conditions). A soil thriving with a proper balance of Biological Life and nutrients makes its own antibodies to assist the plants in suppressing harmful bacteria and fungi. Helpful aerobic bacteria (bacillus and other) suppresses certain pathogenic bacteria, which can cause several seedling disease problems. Beneficial predacious fungi build a network of traps to destroy soil nematode and toxic-producing anaerobic bacteria causing toxic conditions for plants.


Any farm product or practice that depletes organic matter, or creates an unhealthy environment around the Organic Matter should be corrected or not used….. Any pesticides, herbicides, fertilizer, etc. that falls into this group should be stopped, or reduce rates as much as possible. At the top of the list is most insecticides, soil applied herbicides; high salty / acid fertilizers, heavily Chlorinated fertilizers and sprays; anhydrous ammonia, and the list goes on. Such products have and will continue to kill soil life and destroy the proper balance required to control diseases, insects, etc. Also, because of the altered biological life the entire biochemical reactions in the soil change, creating a toxic condition for both plants and beneficial bio-life trying to recover from the harsh chemicals or fertilizers. Guess What?? Such pathogenic conditions leave toxic residues in plants, which are carried over into feeds for livestock and food for human consumption.