Panakite 10 Mesh

Panakite (Montmorillonite) Mineral List

U.S. Ag Florida, Inc. has compiled from its manufacturers’ files and customers certain test results from various samples over the years of the colloidal Montmorillonite referred to Panakite. These have revealed to date a content of 78 different elements, enriching organic matter, and many different ions and interesting mineral combinations. Useful, if not life-enhancing, properties have been discovered and observed in the 27 elements listed in the Trace Mineral Benefits section. We still do not know all of the advantages produced by these and the balance of the trace minerals that we sell.



Green = essential element for some or most plants
Red = essential trace mineral for humans*
Fuchsia = essential trace mineral for livestock and pets**
Black BOLD = macro mineral essential to both humans and animals
Underlined Black = electrolyte essential to all animal life
Plain Black = unconfirmed application to human and/or animal nutritional needs

* Chlorine and Fluorine are noted in their elemental gaseous state. In U.S. Ag Florida’s minerals, these elements combine with other elements to produce the minerals Chloride and Fluoride.

Fluorite, a crystal resembling a translucent rock is yet another compound of Fluorine. Also note that Oxygen is also required by animal life, but is a gas and therefore not a mineral. Besides, we all need it in “macro” amounts.

** Livestock and pets also need the minerals listed in red.

The pie chart below depicts 8 of the major minerals that the reports on file suggest are prevalent in the form of Montmorillonite offered as Panakite. Values are stated as averages of the percentages revealed in the aforesaid studies which span five decades of testing.

Disclaimer: U.S. Ag Florida, Inc., the company, makes no representations nor warranties, express or implied, about the product’s attributes, contents, chemical composition or benefits to humans, animals or plants, from ingestion or consumption, or by absorption, whether or not blended, refined, or in some other way processed by customer. All product purchased from company shall be “as is” in its raw state, without limitation to prior experience, oral understandings, or studies made by analysts, claims of other customers or by any of the prior management/owners over the years. Customer recognizes that the actual composition of trace minerals may vary significantly from one load to the next due to differing strata and concentrations from which the materials are quarried from time to time, and due to the manufacturer’s unsophisticated blending methods.

We call it PANAK-ITE

[Tabular Summary of Laboratory Tests

Concerning Mineral Content of Montmorillonite

From Panaca, Nevada Quarry]

CAVEAT: This summary is not comprehensive. There are several more tests on file that corroborate the findings published herein, and fill-in the gaps. Also, please bear in mind that this presentation does not delve into the minerals per se (in the chemistry and geological sense of the word), found in the deposit, but merely lists the individual elements that make up minerals. Neither are isotopes and ions separately identified herein.

Prepared by R. Joseph Collet JD

Updated March 2010

FOREWORD: Everybody likes, and has a right to know, which particular elements–and in what proportions–appear in our natural sedimentary deposit. Because of the unrelenting inquiries over years that have consumed a considerable amount of time relaying this same information piecemeal by e-mail, I have decided to publish a more thorough series of tables once and for all on the INTERNET, at our retail domain, .

The main mineral (Montmorillonite), an edible clay, is correctly termed an alumino-silicate. This leafy structure forms the matrix that was stratified with humates, and adsorbed to its exterior, all the other minerals and elements present with their diverse properties. I have capitalized the names of the individual elements to distinguish them from names for rocks, actual minerals, certain compounds and other substances. The charts that follow depict an impressive array of 78 distinct elements identified to date that appear in many different combinations–chiefly with Oxygen. The essential chemistry evidently took place within a fresh water deposit, as the complete absence of the mineral compound NaCl, sodium chloride (salt) within the colloidal clay, attests. This lacustrine environment was the home for millennia to trillions and trillions of diatoms and other forms of plankton. These tiny organisms, along with diverse animal and plant life, particularly the bio-friendly bacteria feeding upon the decomposing vegetable matter that washed into a caldera, or lake, chelated the elements during their metabolism of nutrients. The remarkable fulvic acid content of the deposit, as a bi-product of thriving pro-biotic bacteria, further evidences the organic processes that were in play. After this aquatic life expired, its skeletal remains and their precipitates, became the phyllosilicate building blocks of a living clay–enriched with trace elements including catalytic properties important for so many functions within higher life forms.

The lab test results disclosed in the charts that follow are representative of the available reports on file. Over time they have established the classical parameters of what the consumer or formulator may expect in his or her shipment from our quarry. The “min-max” indications are highlighted to designate more clearly the absolute ranges detected so far. All ratios are stated in parts per million for consistency. Simply divide the parts per million figures by 10,000 to arrive at an equivalent percentage for each element. The accuracy of the reports is presumed, and they have been reproduced conscientiously disclose what dedicated research has revealed.

The first table lists the major elements in descending order that are found in the PANAK-ITE deposit. Members of this group have unquestionable nutritive, structural or regulatory properties, or are simply amongst the most common in the earth’s crust; so, it is no surprise to find them here also, albeit not necessarily in their metallic, elemental, free or “pure” form. As aforesaid, more often than not, a given element has adhered to one or more others forming a mineral. Because the labs generating the reports were able to recognize each actual mineral quite readily, they automatically knew what portion of it was identified with its constituent elements.